Well-adjusted: How to Thrive Through Technology Change, Jill Devrick (1 TT)


Jill Devrick


In today’s quickly evolving health information technology industry, healthcare documentation specialists are often challenged with change projects such as software installations or updates, new interfaces, replacement of hardware, mergers and acquisitions, etc. When organizations implement something new, their goal is to move toward more efficiency, productivity, and quality with minimal impact to staff and services. However, change projects often yield negative side effects such as resistance, confusion, and frustration that need to be acknowledged and addressed. This presentation discusses how any healthcare documentation organization can successfully prepare and implement any technology change. The presenter will describe common project phases, suggesting tips and best practices based upon lessons learned from many years as an implementation consultant and advisor. The presenter will also introduce ideas for how individuals who are impacted by the change can influence their organizational culture and processes. Participants will also learn how to gather data and keep good records so that the next change project can be smoother and more successful than the last.


Learning Objectives:

1. Identify constructive ways to react to impending changes in your organization.

2. Apply practical strategies to successfully navigate change projects.

3. Choose the best way to get involved in a project when it’s not obvious.

4. Create and execute an implementation project plan.

5. Measure and evaluate the impact of a change project.