School Psychology Demystified for the Healthcare Documentation Professional

Presenter: Maria Dobbins, PhD, LSSP

Session: School Psychology Demystified for the Healthcare Documentation Professional


Healthcare and education appear to exist in different realms, with different terminology and diagnostic criteria. It would be helpful for there to be more dialogue between the professions, as both are fundamentally geared toward helping children. This session will provide the audience with a basic understanding of the practice of psychology within public schools.

Learning Objectives:
1.    Learn what a school psychologist does.
2.    Understand the types of medical and psychological issues that can lead to the need for special education. 
3.    Learn the components of a psychoeducational evaluation and the types of tests used to evaluate students.
4.    Be able to define IEP and Section 504 plans and understand the difference between educational eligibilities and medical diagnoses. 
5.    Understand different types of home/school interventions that can help students succeed.


Maria Dobbins obtained her MS, CAGS, and PhD from Northeastern University and has been employed as a school psychologist, having worked in public schools in Texas and California, for 26 years. While proficient in identifying learning problems, Dr. Dobbins has focused her career on evaluating students with autism, mood disorders, and behavior issues.