HDIVC20: Optimizing the Electronic Health Record Using Lean Quality Improvement, Ron Bercaw (1 PD)

HDIVC20 Recording


Ron Bercaw, Lean Sensei


Many healthcare organizations have a framework for quality improvement—to improve clinical outcomes, increase access, and provide a better patient experience. Fewer organizations use a quality framework for improving their electronic health record. Lean quality improvement has been used successfully in healthcare IT to optimize the electronic health record to deliver an ROI for the organization, decrease provider and clinician burn-out, improve clinical outcomes, and even enhance the customer experience. Learn how leading-edge healthcare organizations are approaching this challenge and how you can use Lean to start a journey toward optimized care.

Attendees will 
1. Understand the three steps in transforming a legacy EHR system.
2. Understand the key levers you can apply to optimize your electronic health record.
3. Understand the basics of lean project management to plan, deploy, and sustain your optimization work.