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EHR Playbook for Transcription Managers (eBook)


The EHR is shaking up medical transcription departments around the country. As a manager, supervisor, or small business owner, it's imperative for you to prepare and learn how to internally and externally market the value of your workforce and services in the digital world. The EHR Playbook for Transcription Managers will guide you through critical steps to quickly become "EHR ready" and provide you proven tools and cumulative knowledge of those who have already succeeded in the transition to the EHR.

Seasoned experts from AHDI's Managers/Supervisors Alliance authored this essential guide, which serves up practical advice based on real-world experience and templates you can repurpose for your own organization. The EHR Playbook covers: value-added marketing, quality assurance issues and policies, and future roles for your healthcare documentation workforce. Each section will prep you to address the needs and concerns of your workforce and match those with the requirements set forth by your organization’s administrative leaders.

After reading this eBook, you’ll be armed with the information needed to speak comfortably about quality assurance, to address how healthcare documentation specialists’ expertise can be applied in new ways to optimize documentation workflow and preserve the patient’s story, and to translate the value of your department into a language administrators can understand.

10 CECs (6 PD and 4 MTT/4TT)

CMTs/CHDSs must write a 300-word summary for each of the three sections of the EHR Playbook in order to earn the full 10 CECs. Submit summaries with your recertification materials at the end of your cycle.

After you purchase the eBook, you will receive an email with a link to download the product file.

Regular List Price: $90
Regular Eligible Member Price: $70