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Bio: Amber M. Powner, Au.D, is a clinical audiologist working in private practice with Audiology Associates in Sonoma, Marin, and Mendocino Counties. Dr. Powner received her Au.D. from the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) and completed her capstone studies on the auditory plasticity of pitch perception in musicians. She has contributed to articles concerning hearing loss prevention in practice for The ASHA Leader, assisted in research regarding noise exposure and broad-spectrum otoacoustic emission results, and is an expert committee member of the NIOSH Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Awards. Dr. Powner is an accomplished musician and she performed live at the National Hearing Conservation Association (NHCA) annual conference in 2014. She also serves as the Northern California Representative and President Elect (2016) of the California Academy of Audiology, and is CAOHC certified as an occupational hearing conservationist.
CEC: 1 Clinical Medicine (CM)