Title: Orthotic and Prosthetic Solutions for Best Patient Outcomes
Presenter: Shawn Smith, MSOP, CPO, CM
Credit: 1 Clinical Medicine
Session Description: In this session, attendees will learn about ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs), transtibial and/or transfemoral prosthetic intervention, devices, and associated terms you may not know. Hear about the evaluation process for patients and how their level of function is determined. We’ll also discuss how we identify the appropriate style and type of orthotic and/or prosthetic device(s) that will best meet an individual’s needs, to include custom vs custom fit, durable medical equipment (DME) vs orthotic devices, and prosthetics.
Bio: Shawn is a certified prosthetist and orthotist at Hanger Clinic in Byron Center, Michigan. She has a bachelor’s of science degree from Michigan State University and a master’s degree in Orthotics and Prosthetics from Eastern Michigan University.
Recording Origination Date: July 21, 2023