Title: Parkinson’s Disease: The Essentials
Presenter: Desirae Mearns, MBA
Original Date: May 2, 2024
CEC: 1 Clinical Medicine (CM)
Session Description: APDA’s Parkinson’s Disease: The Essentials is a concise yet very informative overview of Parkinson’s disease (PD) that explains PD, symptoms, latest treatments, and more. It is particularly well-suited for people who have been newly diagnosed or if you know or care for someone with PD and want to learn more. Attendees will have a better awareness of Parkinson’s patients’ symptoms and what to consider in order to serve these patients and their families to the best of their ability.
Learning Objectives
1. What Parkinson’s disease is.
2. PD risk factors.
3. Parkinson’s motor and non-motor symptoms.
4. Latest PD treatment options.
5. APDA as a resource and grassroot organization.
About the Speaker: Desirae serves the Florida Parkinson’s community by developing and executing educational, supportive, and research-based programs about Parkinson’s Disease. Florida is home to the Advance Center of research at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Information and Referral Center at University of Miami, and a Diversity in DBS participation grantee at the University of Florida. APDA works tirelessly to provide the PD community, Care Partners, and medical professionals the education, support, and socialization to live life to the fullest.
About the Speaker: Desirae serves the Florida Parkinson’s community by developing and executing educational, supportive, and research-based programs about Parkinson’s Disease. Florida is home to the Advance Center of research at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Information and Referral Center at University of Miami, and a Diversity in DBS participation grantee at the University of Florida. APDA works tirelessly to provide the PD community, Care Partners, and medical professionals the education, support, and socialization to live life to the fullest.