Title: The Evolving Uses of Ketamine: Pain, Depression, Anxiety, and Chemical Dependency
Presenter: Howard Cohen, MD
Credit: 1 Clinical Medicine
Session Description: This session will present an up-to-date primer on the current medical use of ketamine. This will include the history of its development, use in research models to understand psychiatric and somatic disease, and evolution of current use. Topics include metabolism, pharmacodynamics, bioavailability, dosing strategies, and routes of administration. Uses for pain syndromes, affective and anxiety disorders, and uses for chemical dependency will be discussed. Proposed brain changes in terms of structure, function, and spiritual factors will be proposed. An introduction to ketamine-assisted psychotherapy will be part of the program. New and emerging ketamine therapies under development will be explored. Risk and benefits of ketamine, including addiction and recreational use, will be discussed. We will explore ketamine in popular culture and controversies surrounding its use. Finally, this session will introduce the growing commercialization of ketamine treatment in terms of exciting new directions as well as potential poorly regulated practices.
Bio: Dr. Howard Cohen is Board Certified in Pain Medicine, Psychiatry, Addiction, Geriatric Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine. He uses a multidisciplinary approach to develop personalized treatment plans for managing pain and is widely regarded as a leader in pain rehabilitation. He attended the University of Louisville School of Medicine and completed his internship and residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. He is also an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Arlington, and he regularly publishes his research and studies in scholarly journals. Dr. Cohen lives in Dallas and enjoys spending time outdoors and with his family.
Recording Origination Date: July 10, 2023