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Title: Trauma Triad of Death: A Case Study
Presenter: Valerie Quick, MSN, RN, TCRN, EMT-I
Credit: 1 Clinical Medicine
Session Description: Hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy all lead to the deadly trauma triad. Follow two case presentations to understand how the pathophysiology of bleeding and the importance of taking appropriate action to definitive care along the way greatly impacts morbidity and mortality.
Learning Objectives: • Learn the pathophysiology of traumatic bleeding. • Understand how hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy impact morbidity and mortality. • Discuss the benefits of a trauma center in caring for the injured.
Bio: Ms. Quick has been a nurse and EMT for the past twenty years. Currently, she is the Trauma Performance Improvement Coordinator for the UVA Health System but has been an educator to nurses, physicians, EMS providers, allied health professionals, and anyone who is interested in medicine. She specializes in emergency, trauma, and pediatric medicine.
Recording Origination Date: November 16, 2022