Tags: New
Title: Why Does Someone With Dementia Act That Way, and Can It Be Fixed?
Presenter: Joy Spahn, MPA
Orignial Date: December 17, 2024
Length: 1 hour
CEC: 1 Clinical Medicine (CM)
Cost: $5 Student Members/$15 Members/$25 List Price
Session Description: This session applies to all audiences interested in learning more about dementia, how it impacts the brain, and current treatments. We’ll review the various types of dementia, their symptoms, treatments, and the importance of brain health. Additionally, we will look at the myths, misinformation, and misconceptions surrounding dementia and the person living with dementia.
Learning Objectives:
Joy Spahn has a BS from Grand Valley State University and a Master's in Public Administration from Western Michigan University. She has over forty-five years of experience as a dementia educator, including 14 years as the West Michigan Regional Director for the Alzheimer's Association Michigan Chapter. Since her retirement in 2020, she has continued to provide dementia education as a Master Trainer for the International Dementia Friends Organization, volunteers with the National Council of Dementia Minds, where she co-facilitates a weekly support group for persons living with dementia, AARP, and is as Advisory Board member for the MSU Center for Contextual Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease.