Choose your options below 2020 Healthcare Documentation Integrity Virtual Conference (HDIVC20 - Recordings) Product Type: Virtual Courses Multiple formats available, please choose a product format below HDIVC20: Welcome from President Patt King, CHDS, Opening Speaker Scott Faulkner (1 TT) - On-Demand Webinar HDIVC20: Keynote Speaker, High or Dry? The Extraordinary Impact of Marijuana Legalization in 2020 (1 ML) - On-Demand Webinar HDIVC20: Mayo Clinic Provider Quality Program, Jackie Schickling, Jennifer Styer (1 TT) - On-Demand Webinar HDIVC20: End-of-Life Issues: Principles, Values, and Coming to a Decision, Roger D. Cole, MD, MA, FACS (1 ML) - On-Demand Webinar HDIVC20: Today's Foreign Language of Medicine, Kat King, ASHI, AHDI-F (1 TT) - On-Demand Webinar HDIVC20: Individual and Group Reactions to the Coronavirus Pandemic, Jerome S. Blackman (1 CM), Vendor Showcase Hosted by 3M - On-Demand Webinar HDIVC20: Understanding Frontotemporal Degeneration, Russell Sawyer, MD (1 CM) - On-Demand Webinar HDIVC20: Optimizing the Electronic Health Record Using Lean Quality Improvement, Ron Bercaw (1 PD) - On-Demand Webinar HDIVC20: Now I Know My CBDs!, Susan Marks, MSN, FNP-C, PHN (1CoM) - On-Demand Webinar HDIVC20: HIPAA and Patient Privacy Updates in the Age of COVID-19, Adriana van der Graaf, MBA, RHIA, CHP, CCS (1 ML) - On-Demand Webinar HDIVC20: Breaking Rad: Innovations in Radiation Therapy, Christopher Bowen, MS, DABR (1 CM) - On-Demand Webinar HDIVC20: The Healing Power of Touch Therapy, Karen Suggs, Nethaneel Suggs (1 CoM), President-Elect's Address - On-Demand Webinar 2020 Healthcare Documentation Integrity Virtual Conference (HDIVC20 - Recordings) - Virtual Courses $149.00 - Student/Postgraduate Pricing $249.00 - Member's Price $349.00 - Non-Member Price $75.00 - Student 2nd Year Student/Postgraduate $75.00 - Student 3rd Year Student/Postgraduate $75.00 - Post-Graduate Student/Postgraduate $75.00 - Student Student/Postgraduate $125.00 - Individual Professional Member's Price $125.00 - Sustaining Member's Price $125.00 - Educational Member's Price $125.00 - Corporate Member's Price Cancel Add to Cart Add to Cart » Add to Cart »